Welcome to the Pillow Gallery!

This project has been a dream of mine for the past few years and I could not be more excited to launch a product that offers both affordable contemporary art and luxurious comfort all at the same time! Combining the very best artists with the highest quality materials is what the Pillow Gallery is all about. We have the most incredible list of contemporary artists lined up for 2022 and we can’t wait to bring our cozy comfy artsy pillows into your home.

Our pillows are made in the USA using eco-friendly materials and techniques. We
also super-sized them to make sure they make the ultimate statement piece for any room in the house.

I want to thank my incredible partner Preston Cheng for taking my dream and
helping me make it a reality! I also want to thank the incredible artists who are
offering their art to the world in such a personal and beautiful way.

We hope you enjoy touching the art that has touched your heart, and we look
forward to our art pillow journey!

Lisa Kanekoa
Founder, The Pillow Gallery